Managed IT Services

Let us relieve you of your IT worries and ease your stress levels with our winning combination of proactive systems management and robust custom-tailored solutions. You can sleep well at night knowing your IT environment is in good hands

Businesses today rely heavily on technology to achieve their goals, but managing IT infrastructure can be complex and time-consuming, taking focus away from core operations. Managed IT services provide comprehensive solutions for network infrastructure, equipment installation and maintenance and troubleshooting, allowing businesses to concentrate on what they do best. Professional IT services are also cost-effective when implementing new technologies and applications, with projects quoted ahead of time for better budget planning.

IT assessments, project management, and implementation are just a few of the ways Managed IT services can support business operations and growth. Dedicated projects such as cloud migration, hardware deployment, and strategic planning can help businesses overcome specific challenges, plus consultations and assessments can address specific pain points and provide future growth strategies.

At InterDev, our client-first approach means you won’t ever be left questioning if you’ll be taken care of today or if you are ready for what comes next. We believe honest communication combined with problem-solving skills and creative thinking builds trusting relationships that are as important to us as the technology solutions we deliver.

Downtime costs between $10K and $5M per hour (depending on your company size)

The costly, disruptive cycle of break-fix not only erodes productivity—it also leaves firms exposed to the downtime that kills profits and customer loyalty. Statistics prove that having a proactive Managed IT Service provider provides a better outcome.

Managed IT Services

Network Systems Monitoring

  • 24/7/365 performance monitoring and management
  • Automated trouble-ticket creation for process issues.
  • Critical, timely alerts to stakeholders reduces downtime and improves efficiency.
  • Integration with existing systems and comprehensive reporting.

Domain, Systems and Backup Management

  • Proactive management of system infrastructure and domains.
  • Manage critical server and workstation updates with ease and efficiency.
  • Internal and remote users, data, and hardware kept secured and connected.
  • Reliable firewall and onsite and offsite back up management.

Help Desk and Remote Support

  • Round-the-clock Help Desk and ticket management for all devices. Remote support at no additional charge.
  • Expert operating system and application installation assistance.
  • Disaster recovery planning and an annual, companywide IT audit.

CIO Services

  • Comprehensive asset inventory management to streamline IT operations.
  • Up-to-date infrastructure and network diagrams for accurate planning.
  • Technology-focused business review to maximize IT investments.
  • Customized Annual Technology Plan for your specific objectives.

For about the cost of one network administrator, InterDev can provide a comprehensive bundle of professional services to fit all your IT needs

  • CIO
  • Security Engineer
  • Network Administrator
  • Solutions Architect
  • Support Technician
  • Help Desk

Want to Know More?

Take the First Step

Let’s have a conversation to discuss what your needs are today, and where you want to be tomorrow. Our dedicated professionals will take the time to learn about your organization, understand its challenges, and address your concerns to get you the best possible outcomes.
