A Hacker Isn’t Always a Guy in a Basement
He’s a hoodie-wearing guy in a dark basement, what then-candidate Trump called “somebody sitting on their bed that weighs 400 pounds.” Or a foreigner from a developing country who composes laughably worded emails about get-rich-quick schemes. But these stereotypes...
How Shadow IT Puts Your Business at Risk
Being proactive is a good thing – until it isn’t. It’s a problem faced by many organizations – how do you keep your users from buying SaaS applications for their departments without first getting IT approval? Unfortunately, it seems like that is the nature of doing...
Where the Money Is: Small Businesses Need Cybersecurity
The Willie Sutton Rule asserts that it’s human nature to take the path of least resistance when pursuing a goal. It’s named after a comment attributed to notorious criminal Willie Sutton who explained that he robbed banks because “that’s where the money is.” We don’t...